Site Archives Debt

What Is Debt?

What is debt? Debt is nothing more than borrowing from your future income to buy now what you cannot afford to purchase with current income. The only problem with borrowing money is that you have to pay it back. No pressure on a household is quite like the burden of debt. The pressure to repay […]

Staying Focused On Repaying Debt

Stay Focused on the Plan You may be tempted again and again to quit. Don’t do it! Each missed payment will set you back in reaching your goal. Starting something is easier than finishing. More start the race than finish it. Life is littered with dropouts who quit when the going gets rough. Tough people […]

Debt-Free: A Change in Thinking

In order to get out of debt, you have to stop charging and start taking charge of your spending habits. If you use credit cards without paying the balance monthly, owe money on a loan or are paying off a home mortgage, you’re a debtor. Most Americans are in debt; if you’re not, some might […]

Go Against the Flow

Although not a popular theme and despite the fact that some think they’re in debt so deep that they can’t ever get out, becoming debt-free is a worthy, realistic and attainable goal. Getting rid of your debt isn’t always easy. However, the process is actually very simple. Allow no more debt …duh! That means no […]

Be Disciplined and Determined

When your debts are high and your monthly income is not enough to cover the payments, there are ways to solve your debt problem. However, the road to financial recovery takes a total commitment. You must decide that you want to be debt-free. You have to discipline yourself to take the necessary action to pay […]