Site Archives Cash
Expect the Unexpected
Expect the Unexpected Build a cash cushion that you can get at quickly in case of an emergency. If you don’t have such a cushion, a broken furnace or other calamity will wreck your budget and push you into credit-card bondage. Your thoughts on this subject? Your comments appreciated!
Mending the Holes in Your Pocket
Mending the Holes in Your Pocket: Knowing Where Your Money is Going   “Look at what’s happening to you! You have planted much but harvest little. You eat but are not satisfied. You drink but are still thirsty. You put on clothes but cannot keep warm. Your wages disappear as though you were putting […]
Five Reasons to Pay With Cash
Paying cash means making some lifestyle changes and sacrifices, but it will keep you from drowning in a sea of red ink on your journey to financial freedom. Paying cash keeps you focused. Paying cash promotes contentment because it adds meaning and value to the things you do buy. Paying cash lets you own things, […]
Six Reasons to Pay With Cash
Paying cash means making some lifestyle changes and sacrifices, but it will keep you from drowning in a sea of red ink on your journey to financial freedom. Â Paying cash keeps you focused. Â Paying cash promotes contentment because it adds meaning and value to the things you do buy. Â Paying cash lets […]
Build a Huge Nest Egg
Build a Huge Nest Egg   You can build a huge nest egg for your later years simply by living below your means. Does it mean driving a car that should be abandoned in a junkyard? Not really. Does it mean eating oatmeal seven days a week and drinking only water? Not really, but […]
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