Site Archives Debt
Live Below Your Means
Hello readers! How are you? I hope you are doing well today! So how IS living? Are you experiencing the good life in the land of opportunity? Or, financially speaking, are you not doing so well? If so, I’ve got an answer for you! A solution that will take care of you for the rest […]
Faulty Financial Thinking
Wrong thinking? Yes I have done so when it comes to my finances. I get set in my ways, in old paradigms, old school thinking and can easily perpetuate the myth that everything is ok, when in fact my financial world was about to collapse on top of me. Impending disaster, yet totally unaware… Do […]
What Does It Mean To Be Debt Free?
So let’s chat about what it means to become debt free. Is this an achievable reality? Can one truly become free from all debt? If so achieved, is it then possible to remain without debt? To be completely debt free means to owe nothing; no auto debt, no credit card debt, no educational debt and […]
Putting The Brakes On Borrowing
Too often, people are quick to borrow instead of trusting the Lord to meet their needs. After all, doesn’t Scripture tell us that our God is a providing God, and that He will take care of us by meeting our needs? What if we turn to credit and take on new debt, when all along […]
Think Twice About Credit Card Debt
Your current credit card debt represents more than just the fact that you owe money. It represents the fact that you are spending more money than you are making. It represents the fact that, depending on how much you owe, you could be out of touch with your financial situation. It represents the fact that […]
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