God’s Economy Requires Faith
Faith is the confident belief that God takes action in our lives and that His action is for our ultimate benefit. Much of the struggle we have in the Christian life is not believing that God can do something, but believing that He will. One of the areas that tests our trust in God is the realm of finances.
Many of us, as a matter a fact, find it hard to believe that God is interested in such practical things as finances. Yet Bible scholars tell us that one out of four of the teachings of Jesus related to our material possessions. As Christians, we are called to be stewards and, as referred to earlier, a steward is one who has been entrusted with another person’s property. Consequently, we are required to give a faithful accounting for that which God has entrusted to us.
If we are to become the kind of faithful, generous stewards that God intends for us to be, it will happen only as we come to understand how God operates in His own supernatural economy and how we, in faith, can receive His supernatural resources.
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Content © Rich Brott, 2011