A Biblical Perspective on Giving Generously
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 6″ X 9″, 160 pages – $16.99
Giving to others brings indescribable pleasure. Author Rich Brott says, giving is fun! Giving is exciting! Just try to give something away without feeling wonderful. An inward joy comes to you when you have reached out and helped others. Whether it be in monetary gifts or simply rolling up your sleeves and helping out the old-fashioned way, the act of giving brings its own reward. When you give first, your own personal needs will be automatically taken care of. After all, giving is the Lord’s work. It is Christianity in action.
A Biblical Perspective on Tithing Faithfully
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 6″ X 9″, 152 pages – $16.99
According to author Rich Brott, the topic of tithing on your increase always relates to your entire life and all that you are concerned with. It’s not strictly a financial issue. We have much to give that is far more valuable than money. We have our time, our commitment, our attitude, our gifting, our energy, our service, our talent, our assets, our devotion and our entire life. Yet in all that we have to offer, our attitude toward our finances does play an important role and affects the other areas of our life. Your role in receiving the blessings of God is all about you keeping only a needed portion of God’s blessing and returning a large portion of the blessing so that others can be blessed as well. We should become resourceful and efficient stewards of all the possessions God has sent our way.
Achieving Financial Alignment
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 6″ X 9″, 152 pages – $16.99
God is interested in our willingness to manage and administrate all that He has given to us. Nothing will be thrown into our laps. Financial prosperity is not an unconditional providential blessing; conditions are attached. We are to take action and be proactive. The abilities and giftings God provides motivate us to action. Sometimes it takes our persistence in doing the same things faithfully with the heart of a servant. Other times it is time to try new things, new methods, and seek new opportunities. Sometimes the steady plodding brings the success of the blessed life. Many people, deep in debt and lacking in self-discipline in their spending and contentment level, complain that their employers don’t pay them enough, their taxes are much too high, their business costs have skyrocketed, or render some other excuse why they cannot plan for their financial future. Of course, some of these excuses may have a certain amount of legitimacy to them, but they don’t excuse a person from the responsibility of making sure that they are not wasting any of the resources God has allowed to come through their hands. The problem is rarely a lack of money; it is a lack of money management. Money management simply means self-management. This book will help the reader to re-align their financial attitude so that can begin to fulfill their potential financial altitude.
Activating Your Personal Faith to Receive
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 6″ X 9″, 148 pages – $16.99
Author Rich Brott notes that “faith†is a choice, an act of the human will. It is a deliberate choice to place confidence in God and His Word. Unbelief is a sin because it is a deliberate choice to withhold confidence in God and His Word. Faith is a receiving of the truth, an embracing of the truth, and a commitment to the God of truth! And commitment always produces action. That is why faith without works is dead. With no action there is no commitment. With no commitment there is no faith! In this book, you will find 25 faith-building principles that will enlarge your capacity to receive the very best that God has to offer you.
Advancing a Successful Business
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 6″ X 9″, 250 pages – $19.99
Business focus is an integral part of your ability to advance and build your business into something beyond mediocrity. Staying focused on your vision and purpose is very key. Nothing significant is ever achieved without focus. If it’s worth getting, it must be the focus of your attention at all times. Focus begins with a sense of purpose, mission and vision. This is your sense of direction, your road map, your life track for the business. It’s where you are headed. A growing company does not continue without great business productivity, timely follow-through and effective leadership. Advancing a Successful Business is not automatic and will not happen without a steady hand at the helm backed by a great team who stays alert and motivated.
Developing a Successful Personal & Business Vision
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 6″ X 9″, 165 pages – $16.99
Dreams worth pursuing do not have to be spectacular or amazing. The important thing is living a dream that is really yours. Those who are most fulfilled know what they want and go after it. Understanding and shaping vision is the basis for any new or existing personal or business career. Vision development is a process. But first, it seems appropriate to ask some questions. Why are you here? What is your personal purpose in life? Why are you doing what you are doing? What brought you to this profession? Why are you where you are? These are all questions you must ask yourself before developing a successful personal vision. They same holds true when it comes to a business vision. Understanding who you are and what you are all about is pertinent to understanding what it is you want to accomplish.
Establishing a Successful Business
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 6″ X 9″, 280 pages – $19.99
Author Rich Brott notes six themes that are mutually dependent upon each other, each of which represent a necessary requirement for a successful business. They are, Knowledge, Experience, Ability, Opportunity, Capital, and Commitment. When it comes to business failures, the stats are not pretty. Within the first year of operation, over 50% of businesses fail. Extend the time period to five years, and the statistics become even worse. In that time period over 95% of all businesses fail. From the beginning, business is risky and chances of success poor. But you can significantly improve your chances of success with good insight, preparation and planning. The author notes that in this book he wants to help you in the area of establishing your business and will do so by leading you step-by-step through these critical areas.
Maximizing Your Business Success
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 6″ X 9″, 320 pages – $19.99
Economic entrepreneurship has a history of success in every area of the world. It has sustained families, cities and nations as it has created employment opportunities and economic growth. Your success in business will be determined by your commitment to gain, learn, understand, and implement knowledge, experience, ability, opportunity, capital, commitment and do it all with great business passion. Success is a planned event and rarely happens without great personal effort. Maximizing your business success means that you are effective, productive and efficient. Never give up! In other words, trying and failing is a risk one must bear in order to be able to succeed. Success is in turning failure into an opportunity. Failure is not your enemy. Successful people see failure as a seed; the seed of success.
Successful Time Management
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 6″ X 9″, 116 pages – $13.99
Successful people manage their time! They set priorities and then allow their priorities to manage their calendar. Ineffective individuals are often mastered by the loudest voices, the urgent and the unplanned. They are ruled by pressures, not by priorities. Most people find time management troublesome because they don’t understand the basic principle of time. People react to circumstance by being controlled by events. Ideally, they should control the circumstance. Think of time as your personal resource and you will be more likely to use it wisely. It you think of it as a valuable and scarce resource, you will most likely take steps to prevent its wasteful use.
Biblical Principles For Achieving Personal Success: 8 Critical Insights You Must Discover!
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 6″ X 9″, 259 pages – $19.99
You were created with great potential. You have God-given giftings and talents. Sometimes potential is never realized. Realizing your full potential is an ever continuing process of growth. This involves a willingness to try new things, new ways, new ideas. Dreams worth pursuing do not have to be “big” or “unrealistic.” The important thing is living a dream that is really yours. Those who are most fulfilled know what they want and go after it. You have great God-given capacity to succeed in life! Your life can be full and rewarding. People who never achieve their full potential live an empty life. If you think you can’t, you won’t. Search for something that can’t be done and do it. This insightful book starts by asking you some thought-provoking questions. What is it that you are called to do? What is the vision you have for your life? What dreams do you have that are still ahead of you? What were you born to do? What is your purpose? How will you achieve that calling in your lifetime? Author Rich Brott helps you to understand the 8 Critical Insights You Must Discover in order to Achieve Personal Success in life. The content is thorough, the season is timely and you will be motivated and challenged to achieve your highest potential!
How To Receive Prosperity & Provision: 17 Biblical Principles You Must Know
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 6″ X 9″, 296 pages – $19.99
3 John 2 says, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospersâ€. Proverbs 11:25 notes “A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshedâ€. Jeremiah 29:11 states, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a futureâ€. Author Rich Brott begins with the fact that God wants to provide good things for His children. He wants for you to prosper and be successful in your God given gifts and callings. But God is no vending machine, nor does His promises come without conditions. If God cannot trust you with a hundred dollars now, how can He trust you with a thousand or a hundred thousand? Christians have access to unlimited and unimaginable resources. But with this access comes accountability. This is a lot of trust that God places in our lives. It is more than just finances. It is our entire life and how we handle it with faithfulness, responsibility, accountability, honesty, and integrity. You can learn how to Receive the Prosperity and Provision of God!
Prosperity Has A Purpose: 27 Biblical Principles To Understand
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 6″ X 9″, 288 pages – $19.99
Some people teach that we should give to get. Others teach that we should sacrifice and withhold from our family in order to give more. Neither extreme point of view is correct. We must provide for our family. We should not give to get. Our attitude should be one of obedience and liberality. The best way to give to the Lord is to understand all that He has given to us, and then freely give back to Him. Author Rich Brott provides a very balanced perspective in his latest book, “Prosperity Has a Purposeâ€. He notes that we gain by giving and we lose by withholding. When we freely give to God, regardless of our own personal need, we allow God to be big in our lives. We allow Him to provide for us. This can only happen as we buy into the principle of freely giving. If we are stingy in our giving and withhold from the Lord, we miss the many blessings and provisions He wants to shower upon us.
All The Financial Scriptures In The Bible: With Commentary
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 6″ X 9″, 364 pages – $24.99
The Bible is packed full of Scriptures that are related in some way to financial topics. The Scriptures relate to personal stewardship, issues of debt and credit, saving and investing, how to treat the poor and less fortunate, honesty and truthfulness, laziness and diligence, contentment and the cost of self-indulgence, business and entrepreneurism, tithing and the giving of offerings, as well as wealth and abundance. So many areas of our financial life are written about in Scripture. The Scriptures in the Bible that relate to issues of finance and stewardship offer to each of us help in many areas of our personal and professional life. With them we can learn and understand that:
- Money management is very closely related to the biblical idea of stewardship.
- We must become wise when it comes to borrowing and credit issues.
- We can live according to God’s Word, and enjoy the blessings that flow out of this obedience.
- We must find out what God’s purpose is for our life and for our finances.
- By living these principles they will not only affect our checkbookssmall, but also our priorities, our personal goals, our vision, and our lifestyle.
- It is important to learn what God has to say about money management.
- When we are successful in God’s economy, we benefit both now and for eternity.
- Those who build their lives upon the truths of God’s Word discover a foundation that brings peace, wisdom, and success.
Biblical Principles That Create Success Through Productivity: How God Blesses Our Work Ethic
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 6″ X 9″, 224 pages – $19.99
According to author Rich Brott, it is human nature to want something for nothing; or at least to receive a maximum amount of return for a minimum amount of effort. The old adage notes that we should work smarter, not harder. There is no doubt that the industrial revolution changed society forever. But is there ever a legitimate excuse to not continue working hard? But the bottom line is this. For you to be successful with consistency, you will have to give up the ever present desire to live a life of leisure, fulfilling every personal whim and want, and choose to remain productive for a good part, if not all of your life. God honors hard work. He honors productivity. It is the author’s belief that God’s method for success is to bless the good productive work ethics of ordinary people.
Basic Principles of Conservative Investing: 9 Principles You Must Follow
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 6″ X 9″, 116 pages – $14.99
Investing can be very complicated or very simple. It can be very successful or disastrous. There is risk with investing and there is risk in not investing. Investing can be very enjoyable or very distasteful. In this book you will be given some overall and well-rounded investment information. Absolutely no attempt will be made to influence you to invest in a specific type of financial instrument. Author Rich Brott starts by encouraging you to set aside monies so that in time you have something to invest. The pre-investment process begins by being prepared for those unexpected emergencies. Following that you must be on a path to reach those short term and long term financial goals. With this out of the way, you can turn your thinking to retirement and your long term well-being. If you have already retired, it’s all about preserving what you have and making sure that your money always outlasts you. So get out a notepad, your pen or highlighter and record some insights and “to do” lists as your read its contents.
Business, Occupations, Professions, & Vocations In The Bible
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 6″ X 9″, 212 pages – $19.99
Since the beginning of time, small business has played an important role in all societies and cultures. It has been a vital part of community as craftsmen, laborers, manufacturers, buyers and sellers exchange wares and talents. From ancient times to modern times, people have lived their lives centered around crafting something of value to use at home and to sell outside of their home. Economies have been perpetuated as they centered around commercial activities and commerce. From ancient Greece and Ethiopia, to ancient India, the ingenuity of humans beings and their ability to design, craft, manufacturer and harvest, have kept countries and kingdoms with food on the table. This has allowed cities, nations and kingdoms to prosper. Economic entrepreneurship has a history of success in every area of the world. It has sustained families, cities and nations as it has created employment opportunities and economic growth.
Basic Principles For Maximizing Your Cash Flow : 7 Steps to Financial Freedom!
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 6″ X 9″, 120 pages – $14.99
Everyone wants to maximize their personal cash flow. Everyone wishes to become financially independent. Everyone desires the ultimate financial freedom. So what’s the secret to living a better, fuller, freeing life? In this book, Rich Brott shows you just how to do so. If you are going to maximize your personal cash flow, you must know that it cannot be done without financial accountability. But it is possible that you can be a responsible person and you can become financially accountable for every decision you make. You can develop habits that will insure financial success, regardless of how much or how little your income is. Many people earn very little over a lifetime, yet manage to save enough for a debt free and secure retirement. The book outlines 7 major principles that must find a place in your life. Read the book, and find your way to financial freedom.
A Biblical Perspective On Tithing & Giving: A Believer’s Stewardship Guide
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 6″ X 9″, 172 pages – $16.99
According to author Rich Brott, nothing happens in the economy of God until you give something away. It is a universal law of God. Giving is the trigger for God’s financial miracles. When you give to the Kingdom of God, it will be given back to you. We must do so in complete confidence that our God will not only meet our needs, but allow us to have plenty left over so that we can joyfully share it with others. When it comes to personal possessions, money and wealth, you cannot take it with you but you CAN send it on ahead. Bottom line is this: what you keep, you will lose, but what you give away, you will gain. When you become a faithful tither and a generous giver you become an individual whom God can bless.
Biblical Principles For Staying Out Of Debt: 7 Things You Must Know!
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 6″ X 9″, 120 pages – $14.99
In easy-to-understand narrative, author Rich Brott explains the great danger that all of us will make bad financial decisions. It’s not that we deliberately set out to do so, we just follow cultural norms and wind up deep in debt. While many are able to recognize bad spending habits and somber patterns and actively take corrective measures, getting out of debt just brings you to the starting line. Next comes a tenacious determination to stay out of debt. After that follows a commitment to building long-term financial security and independence. The content of this book will help you to understand seven biblical principles for staying out of debt. It starts out with how to have right thinking and knowing exactly where your money is going. The book ends with teaching you how to set financial goals and how to invest for your future.
5 Simple Keys to Financial Freedom: Change Your Life Forever!
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 6″ X 9″, 108 pages – $12.99
Enjoying financial security in today’s world takes more than simply earning a good living. Some people who have made extraordinary incomes for many years are in terrible financial shape and are not prepared for today, let alone their future. Author Rich Brott explains that it is essential to make decisions that will help you manage your resources if you are ever going to be financially secure. The problem is not our income, but our spending. Many waste much of their hard-earned money on the small and unimportant things. Don’t fall into wasteful patterns of living. Make a decision now to be different, to live differently. You can get started on the road to financial freedom by putting the 5 simple keys into practice immediately.
10 Life-Changing Attitudes That Will Make You A Financial Success!
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 6″ X 9″, 112 pages – $12.99
A proper attitude and approach to your financial affairs is not only exemplary, but also necessary. In this book you will find 10 life-changing attitudes that will make you a financial success. They are the I Can attitudes. Not only are they life changing, but also very attainable. With the right guidance, you can become debt free. With the proper attitude, you can break bad spending habits. With enough self-discipline, you can pay cash instead of using credit. You can renew your thinking, change your flawed value system, and rise above your burden of debt. If you are financially accountable, you can enjoy life without spending massive amounts of money. Author Rich Brott wants to help you discover financial solutions and change your improper attitudes so that you can change your life!
15 Biblical Responsibilties Leading To Financial Wisdom: Accepting Personal Accountability
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 6″ X 9″, 120 pages – $14.99
Attaining financial wisdom comes after learning some personal responsibilities. We have to fulfill those responsibilities as well. Some are very basic, such as simply acknowledging that God owns it all. Others have to do with productivity, time management and learning how to plan ahead. If you are to lead a prosperous and successful life, you must apply biblical instruction to work hard and lead a disciplined live. Then there is the responsibility of diligence, not being wasteful and knowing how to be good stewards in the handling of our possessions. We are to be accountable in caring for our resources, give generously to God and seek wisdom in matters of finances. Author Rich Brott explains these principles in simple, easy-to-understand narrative.
30 Biblical Principles For Managing Your Money: Insights That Will Set You Free!
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 6″ X 9″, 160 pages – $16.99
Becoming successful at managing your money begins with a commitment to follow biblical principles. In doing so, certain areas of your life must be confronted in an honest, open and accurate manner. You must confront the following areas: A. spiritual B. attitudinal C. habitual D. practical E. personal Addressing only selective areas of your financial life will not bring you to a place of success. You must be willing to tackle each area and come face to face with the clear reality of your past decisions. This means developing a new determination to change past spiritual decisions and the adopting of new biblical attitudes toward the management of your money. Only you can make a difference in your financial life. You can be successful at managing your money if you will begin to follow these 30 biblical principles. Author Rich Brott shows you how.
35 Keys to Financial Independence: Finding the Freedom You Seek!
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 6″ X 9″, 160 pages – $16.99
In simple and easy-to-understand language, author Rich Brott explains that financially, you must “live below your means”. If you have been living above your means, you are already in serious debt with no hope of becoming debt free unless you quickly change your financial habits. If you have been living within your means, you may be debt free, but you have little or no savings or investments to carry you through your retirement. What you must begin to do is live below your means. The book will show you how to do just that. Once you’ve accomplished the basics of getting out of debt, staying out of debt and continuing to live below your means, then the next big hurtle is to set financial goals that will keep you invested in simple, well-diversified, conservative investment vehicles. The only way to reach a financial goal is to work at it. The most important step in reaching that goal is to develop a plan to achieve it. That’s why it is so important to plan ahead for your retirement and your financial future. While the idea of planning ahead and building a solid financial strategy for success can sometimes be intimidating and overwhelming, once you get started, it will become easier. With a little planning and a better understanding of what your investment options are, you too can successfully manage your money and pursue your financial goals.
Biblical Principles For Financial Success: Teacher Workbook
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 7.5″ X 9.2″, 228 pages – $19.99
Teacher Edition: Have you ever wanted to have a Biblical understanding of finances? In this book, author Rich Brott takes you on a journey of understanding how things work in God’s economy, how to be a steward, how to manage your spending, and learning to invest into a vision. You will learn how to handle finances in a family setting and discipline yourself to make lifestyle decisions based on what you learn in this book. If you take the time to read this book, you will be left with an adequate understanding of Biblical principles as it relates to Successful Finances! This book is an ideal text for use in the classroom, small groups, church events and in junior high, high school and college settings. The syllabus is designed in a way that is user friendly, easy to teach, easy to learn. No prior knowledge is required from student or teacher.
Biblical Principles For Financial Success: Student Workbook
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 7.5″ X 9.2″, 228 pages – $17.99
Have you ever wanted to have a Biblical understanding of finances? In this book, author Rich Brott takes you on a journey of understanding how things work in God’s economy, how to be a steward, how to manage your spending, and learning to invest into a vision. You will learn how to handle finances in a family setting and discipline yourself to make lifestyle decisions based on what you learn in this book. If you take the time to read this book, you will be left with an adequate understanding of Biblical principles as it relates to Successful Finances! This book is an ideal text for use in the classroom, small groups, church events and in junior high, high school and college settings. The syllabus is designed in a way that is user friendly, easy to teach, easy to learn. No prior knowledge is required from student or teacher.
Biblical Principles For Building A Successful Business
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 7.5″ X 10″, 477 pages – $29.99
A comprehensive blend of information, expert analysis, and proven business strategies that will serve as an invaluable resource for building your business. This book gives you the practical tools you need to plan, prepare, and grow a cutting-edge enterprise in today’s competitive environment.
The time has come for God’s people to penetrate society with the values of His kingdom. Frank Damazio & Rich Brott have an extraordinary anointing to equip the body of Christ to penetrate society with these values. C. Peter Wagner – Chancellor – Wagner Leadership Institute This book contains the perfect blend of information and proven strategies that are sure to bring positive results for both the entering and the long-tie businessperson. Robert Whitaker, Sr. – President – Whitaker House Books
Biblical Principles For Success In Personal Finance
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 7.5″ X 10″, 520 pages – $19.99
This book is for readers who are ready to accept personal financial accountability. It was designed with you in mind. Whether you are a college student, a single parent, married with kids, or a retired professional, the content was designed to assist you in whatever season of life you are presently in. Written in easy-to-understand language and organized to be reader friendly, one will have no trouble finding helpful answers to benefit his/her area of greatest need.
Biblical Principles For Success In Personal Finance is a handy reference for every Christian. It is very practical. It is also very inspiring because it is scriptural. Many will be grateful to the author for his excellent coaching on personal finances. Chen Hui Lin – Director – Campus Crusade For Christ, Singapore
Biblical Principles for Success in Personal Finance is a blessed relief from so much of the world’s philosophy concerning finance, i.e. ‘how to get rich’ in so many lessons. Rich’s books are NOT like this. Instead they are biblically based, full of spiritual principles, practical guidelines and are careful to say that financial responsibility and integrity come by living a responsible lifestyle that is pleasing to God. Kevin Conner – Founder, CityLife Church, Melbourne, Australia.
Biblical Principles For Becoming Debt Free!
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 7.5″ X 10″, 316 pages – $19.99
Break free from financial bondage! A step-by-step approach will show you how, while laying a foundation of biblical understanding regarding the stewardship of your resources. Rescue your life and liberate your future! Equip yourself with the 5 keys, 10 attitudes, 15 responsibilities, 30 attitudes, and 35 practical applications of achieving financial freedom and fulfillment.
There is a message of deliverance as well as a mandate to disciplined living here – a balance I pray will bless multitudes. Jack W. Hayford – Chancellor – The King’s College & Seminary In their book, Biblical Principles For Becoming Debt Free!, Frank Damazio and Rich Brott have touched the pulse of society and offered biblical answers for a 21st century scourge – debt. Step by step, this teaching will lead you beyond a world of bondage and worry into the freedom and joy of debt-free living. Marilyn Hickey – Founder and President – Marilyn Hickey Ministries
Biblical Principles For Releasing Financial Provision!
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 7.5″ X 10″, 439 pages – $19.99
“Biblical Principles for Releasing Financial Provision! is a remarkable resource that is all at once a gift, tool, and mantle. You will find that this study will be a true gift for anyone. As a tool, this material will help build and edify disciples of Christ with apostolic doctrine. And as a mantle, as God covenants to bless those who live out the principles of giving revealed in this book. Step forward and receive the gift, tool, and mantle!” – Jack W. Hayford
This practical book encourages us to build our lives upon the Word of God and is informative and well written, filled with biblical principles and numerous stories to provide insight. Yonggi Cho – Senior Pastor – Yoido Full Gospel Church, Korea This is not a slick pandering of gospel hucksters who offer only hype and hysteria, but the seasoned and reasoned approach of two mature men who have their hand on the heartbeat of God. Rod Parsley – Founder – World Harvest Church Ministerial Fellowship
Family Finance Handbook
by Rich Brott | Softcover, 7.5″ X 10″, 288 pages – $19.99
With insights gained from twenty-five years in business and ministry, the authors impart to the reader biblical principles of stewardship and financial management. Readers learn how to get out of debt and are carefully guided through the investment process in this comprehensive and well-crafted resource. This book provides principles to help you take control of your finances, as well as to bring focus to your value system, your priorities, your vision, and your stewardship of the blessings that God has entrusted to you. Ideal as a class manual, a small group study guide, a personal resources, or as a gift for someone who needs practical assistance.
The Family Finance Handbook from Rich Brott and Frank Damazio provides a well-informed financial and stewardship guide for the individual, classroom, small group, and church stewardship presentation. It’s all about biblical principles, practical helps and real life application John C. Maxwell – Founder – The INJOY Group What a great book to meet an enormous need. Frank Damazio and Rich Brott address the deeper issues, plus the practical areas, of handling money. When people can gain mastery in personal finances from the guidance in this book, it will serve their marriages and families brilliantly. Phil Pringle – President – Christian City Church International