Business Finance
Break-Even Analysis
So how can you determine before you start whether your business will be profitable and worth the investment risk? The truth is, you can’t! However, you can do the appropriate research and set up a model to give you as much information as possible.
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Business People Who Gave Generously
Read about some great business people from times past who gave generously and selflessly. This will encourage you in becoming a person who blesses those around you.
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Cash Management
Cash flow is probably the most important part of any successful business. Without proper cash flow, a company cannot sustain itself. Cash flow is simply the movement of cash in and out of your company.
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Chart Of Accounts
Your business chart of accounts is a necessary part of your financial controls. While it varies from business type to business type, much of the format and information is the same.
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Debt Management
Be careful not to abuse your borrowing power. With credit so readily available to most authentic businesses, it is easy to tap into cash reserves for unnecessary expenditures.
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Financial Management Controls
Persistence and balance are required to effectively manage the finances of a growing business. The management of your business finances involves virtually all of the activities of your company.
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Giving From Your Business
When you understand who really owns everything, then you won’t have trouble trying to benefit yourself with possessions. You will begin to bless others.
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Making Money & Giving Money
You own nothing and God owns everything. Whatever you have, God allowed you to accumulate. But when you die, how much of your money will you leave behind? All of it! When you die, how much of your money will you take with you? None of it!
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Sharing Your Business Success Through Giving
Is having a lot of money the key to everything? Does money bring happiness? Does money bring solutions to life’s problems?
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Watching Your Expenses
One of your key tasks as a business owner or manager is to watch every expense. Each expenditure reduces the amount of your profit. Remember, you aren’t in business to create a job for yourself. You are in business to receive a substantial return on your investment.
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