Secrets of the Seed – Part I
Secrets of the Seed – Part I
God Owns the SeedÂ
When you understand this fprinciple, you will be in a right position to prosper; you will be able to then make God your partner. Prospering by partnering with God is first done by accepting this fact: God owns everything! You do not own anything. You may have a business that you operate or manage, but you are only doing what God has allowed you to do. Christians don’t own anything at all; they merely manage things for God. When you die, how much of your money will you leave behind? All of it! When you die, how much of your money will you take with you? None of it!
Ultimately, you don’t own anything. You won’t take your house with you. You won’t take your land with you. You won’t take any of the wealth or possessions with you that you have managed to accumulate here on earth. You won’t even take your body because you don’t even own it. When your spirit leaves your body, it will turn to dust. You may currently possess certain things, but mere possession is not ownership. Those things that you possess can be taken from you in an instant.
“The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it†(Psalm 24:1 NIV). “‘The silver is mine and the gold is mine,’ declares the LORD Almighty†(Haggai 2:8 NIV). “For every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird in the mountains, and the creatures of the field are mine†(Psalm 50:10,11 NIV).Â
You can possess, but it is God who owns. You may earn a living, but it is God who gives you the ability to earn. How does this relate to the laws of sowing and reaping? If God is the true owner of your possessions, then your role is that of a steward. With the resources God has entrusted to you, you must seek to sow into his kingdom in order to reap a heavenly harvest.  What does this look like in everyday life? Sowing into God’s kingdom means setting aside a portion of your paycheck to give into the lives of others, instead of just thinking about your own needs. It means listening and giving with compassion as missionaries describe the needs around the world. Sowing into God’s kingdom means daily looking to God and asking Him, “How do you want me to spend Your money today?†Â
Your thoughts on this subject? Your comments appreciated!Â
Content © Rich Brott, 2011