Debt Management

127 Ways To Get Out Of Debt!

If your spending is out of control, it is time for a little austerity. Think of all of the minor decisions that you make in one day. What would happen if you started to make adjustments in these areas?
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A Plan For Becoming Debt Free

Many people find themselves deep in debt at least once in their lifetime. It is not necessarily brought on by a desire to spend oneself into oblivion, but rather a lack of financial planning.
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ABC Philosophies Of Debt Management

If you will build a foundation based upon debt-free living principles, it will stand up under all kinds of circumstances.
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Becoming Debt Free Is Only The Beginning

The simple truth is that getting out of debt is only the first step. That is how you get to the starting point. Staying out of debt and moving forward to financial independence is the bigger challenge. And that’s where the big rewards await.
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Build A Disbursement Strategy

The following tips can help you get started in creating a plan to monitor your spending:
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Climbing Into Debt

The road into the misuse of credit is wide, broad, simple, easy, accessible, effortless, uncomplicated, painless, spacious, available and trouble-free. However there is no quick and easy way out from under a heavy debt load.
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Debt-Free | A Change In Thinking

Although not a popular theme and despite the fact that some think they’re in debt so deep that they can’t ever get out, becoming debt-free is a worthy, realistic and attainable goal.
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How Dangerous Is Debt?

Americans are literally trillions of dollars in debt. That is the danger of credit, which is simply the ability to borrow money. In short, it is the spending of money today that will be tomorrow’s income.
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How Will I Know If I Have Too Much Debt?

Fortunately, potential debt problems can be spotted before they reach the serious stage. By knowing what danger signals to look for, you can take steps to prevent a problem before it occurs.
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Manage Your Debt Obligations

If you find yourself with more bills than your monthly income can cover, one alternative is to develop a debt-management plan. Completing this plan takes patience, but it works if you really want to get out of debt.
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Shrink Your Time Target

Write down the number of months that it will take to become debt-free, based on your initial plan. Now cut the goal in half. This will shock you, but just do it—cut the goal in half. You may think it’s crazy, but here is a formula for cutting your debt repayment in half.
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The Importance Of Communicating With Creditors

In an article discussing debt and creditors, the late financial analyst Larry Burkett made the following statement: “If you’re having difficulty paying those you owe, keep in mind that it’s always better to run toward your creditors than away from them…”
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The Law On Debt

The Federal Bankruptcy Code provides consumers with two forms of debtor relief.
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